🔥 Summer Sale on "Sunbathing" Items all summer long!!! 🔥

"Finding balance" shirt 50% off!!!

Posted by Shakirah Islam-Gatling on

Ugh, man! Being an entrepreneur is hard. 😫 Especially when you started before you were ready and feel like it's a constant game of catch up 🤦🏾‍♀️ But, when is a person ever REALLY ready? We set goals and things happen that derail us leading us to adjust to plan. 🗓️ Having a 8-5, being a wife and mom on top of having a small business is no easy task. 😰

I've been meaning to write this for 2 weeks now, and I'm finally in a mental space where I can. 😌 Maybe it was the hulahooping 💫 or listening to music 🎶. Maybe it was coloring with my kids  or spending quality time with my husband. More than likely it was a combination of all of those things. The point is we all have obstacles in our lives. While some are better at adjusting others need more support. At the end of the day, though, we all need someone to socialize with. Life can't be all WORK and no PLAY. When we find ourselves we find balance. 

Side note: They need black versions of the family emojis 🙄